How To Invest In Yourself: 14 Ways to Invest In Yourself Now That Will Change Your Future!

Invest in yourself is the most common advice you will get if you ask any successful person on one piece of advice that will change your life. Tony Robbins claims that the most valuable advice he ever received came from Jim Rohn, one of his earliest mentors. “Find a way to add more value than …

How your expectations are ruining your happiness

Our attitude can make a tremendous impact on our outlook. It changes everything from how we feel about others to how we perceive and interpret what goes on in the world. Expecting something versus appreciating something is a very distinct change. Rather than feeling as though we are “owed” something by those us, we are …

Why To-Do Lists Do Not Increase Your Productivity And What You Should Try Instead

Lists are often touted as a great organizational tool, but the downside is that they focus only on the urgent, day-to-day tasks, rather than ensuring that you’re progressing towards your goals. To-do lists give us something to do, and most of us get some satisfaction from checking things off each day; however, we can quickly …